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Proven Risk and Compliance Services For Long Term Care and HIPAA, FTC and PCI Regulated Entities
We Take The Guesswork Out Of Cybersecurity and Regulatory Compliance for Long Term Care and Assisted Living Facilities
Cyber Crisis Hotline: 860-744-4900
5 Big Reasons to Choose Skilled Cyber
to Support Your Computer Network
Accelerate Your Security and Compliance
Fractional Chief Security Officer – vCSO
For larger organizations or those that have high risk exposure that are concerned about who is watching the hen house, our vCSO program may be for you. The vCSO is a board-level individual, dedicated to your security posture. Not just cybersecurity but holistic view of risk. Our highly detailed program identifies and communicates your risk profile and assists others with remediation efforts.
Regulatory Compliance
Regulatory Compliance is intended to protect your staff and your residents’ information. Compliance is protecting your business reputation, assets and employees. What if compliance and security were the same? Our system of- controls, policies, and procedures uniquely secure your business and your data without busting your budget.
Penetration Test
A Penetration Test is an authorized simulated cyber-attack on your facility to assess it’s vulnerabilities. It involves a thorough investigation of your system, covering aspects like cloud services such as Office 365 and your firewall. This controlled test aims to uncover potential weak points and vulnerabilities that hackers might exploit if they gained unauthorized access. Regular testing, typically done quarterly or after major system changes, helps track progress, validate security measures, and ensure ongoing proper configuration.
Tabletop Exercises
One of the largest and most overlooked tools in any security program is a practical test of how your team would respond to an emergency situation. Tabletop exercises bring together technical teams, executives and selected outside professionals to walk through what the team would do in the event of a specified disaster. The deliverable is an updated and tested process your team can easily follow.
Risk Assessments
Every facility executive is responsible for minimizing risk. A risk assessment is an outsider’s view of those risks. Our half-day process engages your team in a discussion of specific risks and mitigating factors. During our assessment debriefing you receive a prioritized list of risks and action items to build budgets with confidence and target identified security gaps. Spend your budgets wisely with planning and confidence.
Advanced Cybersecurity
Today’s fast-moving world of hacking and cybersecurity demand a continual realignment of tools and techniques. We provide clients access to many of our “channel-only” security tools to fill gaps often present in a corporate security program. Gaps that are often identified through our penetration testing and security assessment programs.
About Skilled Cyber
Connecticut’s #1 Choice for HIPAA Compliance
Skilled Cyber specializes in providing fully managed IT solutions for healthcare facilities in Connecticut. Our goal is to improve the performance of our clients’ IT infrastructure while ensuring they’re fully compliant with HIPAA regulations.
Due to our expertise, we have been trusted by the State of Connecticut to assume responsibility for over 80% of troubled long-term healthcare facilities. When you partner with us, you’re partnering with experts dedicated to solving your problems providing the best possible solution to meet your needs.

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